Case Kits

I’ve had a few people who already have SR-Systems modules ask me if I can just provide the cases for retro-fit. Yes I can, but please be aware that the case is only compatible with the Display + Key v3 I2C interface board and not the Minikey unit supplied with the standard SR “Ham Set”. I can provide the case with mounting hardware for either the Tx or Rx (only difference is the rear panel) for £99 including VAT and shipping to a European addresses. The case kit includes all the mounting hardware down to the rubber feet.

Justin G8YTZ

2 thoughts on “Case Kits

  1. Sean Walsh

    Hi Justin,
    I would like to get one of the resol PCB’s from you, to integrate into home assistant. I will have to learn how to do Surface mount to finish the project, should be fun,


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